Exepron’s Advanced predictive real-time intelligence provides visibility and early detection of Task slippage and Resource Overloading.
Exepron reduces the cost and removes the complexity of executing a Portfolio of Projects, making Advanced Project Portfolio Management accessible to all.
Exepron’s scheduling intelligence calculates shorter project schedules with significantly improved results creating a competitive advantage.
Techguard, our security partner, keeps Exepron current and updated.
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Unlocking IT Project Success: Exepron Critical Chain helped us achieve a 40% boost to 95% On-Time Completion. Seeing down the road with accurate projected completion dates.
We are better positioned to deal with Last-minute projects and can provide accurate completion dates and consequences for other projects.
Proud that our team won the BAE Systems Driving Operational Excellence Award for Hawk Critical Chain Depot Maintenance.
Thanking Exepron support for Highly reliable, effective, user-friendly Exepron Software to supplement the Critical Chain behaviors. Looking forward to onboarding more aircraft maintenance and other projects.
If your need is rapid improvement for a complex scheduling environment, your projects experience high uncertainty, and if late delivery has severe consequences, then evaluate Exepron.
There has to be a better way. Project Management, Scheduling and Collaboration shouldn’t be so difficult to accomplish. With Exepron’s one click navigation, efficient Network Building and Advanced Scheduling, Project Management and Global Collaboration is now a reality.
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