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The development of project management thinking and new techniques has at times been slow and deliberate.  Perhaps, this is in part, due to the fatalistic feeling that the very nature of project environments is contributing to the willingness for accepting the status quo.

The Pyramids and Sphinx’s were certainly projects yet how they were built remains as mysterious as the artifacts themselves.  Millenniums would go by before Henry Gantt developed the Gantt technique in the 1920’s.  In the late 1930’s Operations Research efforts contributed significantly to better understanding the relationship between task dependencies and the impact of constrained resources that led to the concept of Critical Path.  Then in the late 1950’s The US Navy in collaboration with Booz & Allen developed the Program Evaluation, Review & Technique (PERT).

Starting in the 1960’s the emphasis shifted to taking advantage of computers to improve project management.  There were many contributors, such as John Fondahl at Stanford University, developing the algorithms that were to become the foundation for the project management software tools that are prevalent today.  These tools offered new features to plan, schedule and execute, however, the thinking captured in the algorithms for the most part was not new.

It wasn’t until 1997 when Eliyahu Goldratt published the Critical Chain introducing the Critical Chain as an alternative to the Critical Path did we have the next major change in project management thinking.  There are many adaptors to this way of thinking.  Regrettably change as we have seen comes slowly and it will take additional time before the full impact of Critical Chain methodology is totally understood across the project management community.

So, the pattern has been established.  We first see new thinking evolve and then tools developed building on these advances, producing powerful breakthrough solutions.  With Gantt, Critical Path and PERT they used the technology available, initially paper charts and graphs, evolving into software solutions.  When Critical Chain appeared, the solutions developed immediately leveraged the existent availability and capabilities of computers and software.  Improvements using Critical Chain thinking without software could be achieved, however they cannot benefit from the wide and far-reaching disruptive technology that was now available.

We must now break the pattern.  I believe the next breakthrough will require challenging our own assumptions to push the envelope of current Critical Chain thinking.  We must leverage the significant advances in computing power; advanced software technology and means of delivery in order to have new thinking evolve.  This very well may be creating new knowledge … you will be the judge.